Monday, February 21, 2011

2 weeks here

The full moon passed without any babies being born...we are all staring up at the sky with anticipation...all we need is a breeze and babies will start dropping like crazy.

My legs are persistently itchy and covered with bites.
The other day we got into one of the stored suitcases, which had some soap and vitamins etc, to find that a rat had taken up residency. The Rat had actually chewed through the back of the suitcase as well as through the zipper...thankfully we don't have nearly as much to bring back as we brought, as the suitcase is basically destroyed, along with some of the surprising items the Rat took for his meals--some probiotics and vitamins (as if we needed a more vital rat), plastic bags, etc... Justin pointed out that the manner in which it destroyed our stuff and then took giant poops all over everything was akin to how the ancient Anasazi pooped in the middle of a dwelling where they had just eaten the people, to effectively send an FU message to anyone who would return. He basically saw it as the rat saying "look here, blan* this is MY house!

* Blan means basically: "whitie" and we hear it about 50 x a day walking through the streets, mostly from children

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