Sunday, February 13, 2011

1 week here

Sunday, we were awoken around 5:30am by what sounded like a street cleaner scraping the streets without a brush--only a large piece of metal--in reality it was probably someone dragging a bunch of rebar behind them. We lazily got up eventually and hit the street to try to find a church out of curiosity. We never found one, but enjoying wandering and seeing all the people dressed in their Sunday best and others selling breakfast foods like boiled eggs or hot chocolate in front of their homes. When I got home, I had to brush my teeth because I tasted so much dirt and dust in my mouth from all stuff being stirred up in the streets. Later we went out again because every Sunday is a big pre-party for Carnival, which is Feb 27th.

Yesterday for Valentines Day; I caught 2 babies: a boy and a girl. I like to think they'll one day be in loooooove. As for my valentine, Justin cut out little hearts and hung them in our room with the message: Happy Vday Hon. He said he wanted to buy me a box of chocolates, but all he could find was a $50 box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates, probably intended for a UN or other aid worker...I can't imagine who here would buy it. So instead, we ate left over rice and beans and had a swig of our prized duty free Dominican rum.

A friend Justin found (one of many on the grounds)

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