Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Portland and Seattle

It's my second day in Portland after spending less than 4 days in Seattle.
In my 2.5 days and 3 nights there however, I spent more than 12 hours salsa dancing, went on a blind date with my friend's son (a nuclear engineer for the Navy...and yes the conversation did involve submarines), and of course drank some good coffee.

I arrived in Portland via an incredible rideshare coincidence. I missed my first ride (by virtue of the fact that he wanted to leave at 5:30am) and ended up calling up Esther, who turns out to be friends with 3 of MY friends from high school. We had a great time chatting for the 3 hour drive and she gave me some glass bead earrings she made.

My second fabulous people find was my couchsurfing hosts, who have been feeding me delicious food, treating me with Chinese medicine for my cold, and generally being outstandingly cool people, and inspiring me with ideas for my future...see below.

So far in Portland, I've taken a yin yoga class and a freaking ridiculously hard class (I shall forgo it's real name), which certainly put me in my place (I'm glad I didn't tell them I teach yoga...I resided in child's pose for half the class!). I've also decided that I want to pursue a masters in acupuncture and oriental medicine. My dream is to go back to school to also be a certified nurse midwife and eventually open a birth clinic in Iowa City and do acupuncture there too. (!!!)

This weekend(ish) I'll be on to San Francisco.

Lovin it (and you),

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