I admit it. I'm tired. I'm tired of spending hours in transit, of wearing my undies inside out (or more often, simply sleeping in my clothes--piling up the layers to keep in the warmth, and continuing in the same clothes for several days). My body is tired of the random meals dependent on location and the odd sleep schedules. New Mexico was a very butter-inspired and lazy stop, San Francisco was a greasy, alcohol-y, couch-hopping stop, and Portland was a very coffee and thankfully veggie-filled stop, though also a little sleep-deprived. In Kansas City, I found myself eating ludicrous amounts of cookies and random meatless side-dishes (which in my family are few and far between, with the sentiment being: you know, bacon, chopped into minuscule pieces, will really make it better). At this point, the idea of my own kitchen, bed, and a job I can attend at continuous intervals, and with semi-normal hours is a wildly romantic idea. Ahhh... I can't wait.
So, I've decided to return to Iowa City, where I will assist my truly wonderful midwife in delivering babies--work I am much more passionate about than any sort of crappy job I could get on the west coast just to say I lived on the west coast. Sorry San Francisco, I love you, but I'm not willing to work full time at a retail job and then something else on the side to make ends meet. I'd rather spend my time doing things I love, and not in transit I might add, which is a bonus to Iowa City, where everything--from getting to a nice hiking spot, to a good cafe, to the co-op, to a yoga class--takes 10 minutes by bike or car, and with ample parking everywhere. And it's got all I need to keep me busy and fulfilled. It's a comfy spot...and I'll admit I feel a little guilty about not being more adventurous, but I am so so very happy with the simple idea of having a routine--working, going salsa dancing with my friends, eating normal meals, seeing people on a consistent basis, having an exercise routine, etc. Oh my, it's like a dream come true....wait isn't that most people's lives and they simply don't appreciate the sheer wonderfulness of it???? As the Zen proverb says, "Everyday life is the only way." Seeing beauty in the routine and ordinary, enjoying each moment, sharing good food with good friends. Sigh...and yippee!
So for now, I guess this ends my adventuring in the geographical sense (for now...I do plan to return for the next Patch Adams Peru trip in July). I will instead be venturing inward to a world of meditation and yoga, cooking, winter walks, good literature, and maybe learning the harmonica!
until next time, love, Rachel