Sunday, March 13, 2011

3 dudes straddling each other on a moto = really not so tough

I am endlessly annoyed with the stupid, misogynistic men here. Always cat-calling and making kissing sounds, yelling BLAN!, leering, or otherwise being barbarians...

I've tried to think of what I can do when such things occur, specifically when guys make kissing sounds my way. I just don't understand what they possibly think could come of such behavior...that I would run over and kiss them? Do they actually think that I might actually enjoy when they do that?? That maybe I'll come talk to them because I think it's so witty/complimentary? It's totally absurd! I don't want to demean monkeys by saying this....but they're like monkeys! So what I initially came up with, was that when they make kissing noises at me, I will stick out my tongue and make farting noises at them. This seemed hilarious and unattractive and perfect, but I kept forgetting, and when I remembered: they were often already harassing someone else or were laughing with their friends about what ladies men they were or something.

So tonight, three dudes on a motorcycle (yes three dudes straddling each other) slowly rode up beside me all making kissing noises. Honestly disgusted by them, I spit on the ground between us. In retrospect...maybe a bad idea.... They stopped the motorcycle and one guy hopped off. I was a little scared for my life, I admit.... He yelled at me and spit on the ground by me. I couldn't say anything I'd like to say in their language, so I just muttered in English....yes: good job, you spit on the ground, that's what everyone does here, big deal, and clutched my purse to me, walking quickly down the single road (nowhere to dart). They drove a little way and then waited for me to pass again, and yelled out BITCH FUCK BITCH FUCK as I passed by... clearly knowing those were bad words but not exactly knowing how to use them....They also spit in my direction and drove away. I continued walking and they waited for me again a little ways ahead. I was really quite scared at this point, but there were a lot of people around, and so I hoped that meant they wouldn't do anything too stupid. I passed by and they just looked at me, then drove away quickly (straddling eachother). Thankfully I got back to my house safely, without seeing them again, but it was scary as there aren't so many people out in the streets around my house.

All I can say is that I F'ng hate Haitian men (I'm sorry!) and in fact: the general culture between men and women here. Women here are so powerless. It's disgusting. Women have to prostitute themselves here regularly just to feed their families and buy things they need, because the men are often off having relationships with other women--buying them things or having babies all around town they can't support. And they can't even charge much because it's so commonplace here! Despite the fact that things cost about the same in the grocery store here as in the US, you can pay a woman $1 for sex!! You can tell that women are used to being unempowered in their interactions with us as "authority figures" (even though we try not to be like that in the clinic) and with their FOBs (father of baby)...that is, if the men even come. We had one guy come briefly to see his baby, drunk, and then was turning to leave even though we encouraged him to stay since his lady needed to spend the night with her high blood pressures; he refused and then in front of her he asked for condoms to go party...

Ugh........ I look forward to Guatemala more and more every day....

As for good news, we had two healthy babies today and both dads came :)

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