Saturday, August 30, 2008

voyage to Cajamarca

I spend a lot of time on this trip repeating the following phrase in my head: (insert parental advisery): what the fuck??
WTF is going on?
WTF happened to the street I am searching for?
WTF am I eating?
WTF are they talking about? (I`m getting better if you are wondering, with my Spanish...but there`s still a great deal of time where my brain is stuck on the aforementioned phrase)
WTF am I doing here exactly??
And especially I was thinking WTF on my trip to Cajamarca, in an unairconditioned bus with no bathroom, through the mountains on incredibly bumpy (shall we even call them roads?) roads, for 9 hours... those who have traveled with me in the mountains know this is a triple-whammy. And since I had nothing to do in my state of nausea and delirium but stare out the window, I found myself repeating in my brain something more along the lines of ``Well I´ll be damned....who knew this was here?`` The mountain scenery was absolutely breathtaking. I again wondered to myself, why the heck do people even go to Europe??? Central and South America have incredible history and architecture, fabulous food, art, culture, crazy diverse and beautiful outdoors, and it´s cheap! I guess it`s just not as´s not as `sexy,` which is crazy to me! But I can´t say that I mind. I find myself being the only whitey everywhere I go (however things will change of course when I head down south to Cuzco).

Back to the incredible scenery...coming from Iowa, I thought I knew a thing or two about the country and cornfields and cows...but let me tell you, you ain´t seen nothing until you´ve seen cows and corn terrace-farmed into super old crubly brown and red mountains with cacti growing all over, pristine green-blue lakes and rivers passing through, as well as intricate antique ground irrigations systems, not to mention donkeys hanging out in the ditches and pigs tied to trees (see, WTF?). And the people we passed wore the traditional mountain campesino clothes: tall straw hats, black shoes, and were wrapped up with their babies on their backs in hand-woven blankets and shalls. It was like something out of a movie, which is something I have to continually remind myself of--that in fact, this is not a movie, that I am actually doing this...I am in Peru, by myself, on some crazy pot-holey dirt road, going through the mountians... (WTF? how do I find myself doing these things???)
jajajajajajaajaja. Translation: hahahahahahaha
ahhh, I love my life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


So great to catch up on your blog and hear that you are having a great adventure. WTF! That's one of my favorite experiences when traveling - the complete bewilderment of being lost, followed by the joy of an unexpected experience. you make me want to go to South America! (maybe!)