Monday, August 29, 2011

check check check

  • Spent some days in Iowa City where I took my midwifery skills exam and saw some good old friends.
  • Returned yesterday afternoon from a trip to Chicago to see my dear friend Rachel Ann #2, who is headed to the Peace Corps in Morocco soon. As well, I got to have some heart to hearts with dear friends and put my life into better perspective, which has been hard to get recently, being so transient and without a kula (ie a community)
  • Tonsillectomy today went smoothly....there are 2 large gaping holes in the back of my throat, and my uvula is swollen incredibly huge to resemble a finger hanging down from my palate
A juicy expose update to come...

my tonsils live in their rightful place now: a bio-hazard container


Katie said...

Woohoo; does this mean they let you keep your tonsils?? I hope so. Hope you're eating lots of ice cream and pudding and popsicles. Call me when you can talk again! :)


Rachel said...

I am slightly distraught to say: No :( they would not reason, despite my stated fact that women are permitted to bring home placentas from the hospital...

Joe said...

My nclex study guides tell me that if you're swallowing a lot, you have a serious problem and a nurse should probably do something about it.

Rachel said...

haha, I thought about that a lot actually post op--I keep monitoring to make sure I'm not swallowing too much, haha...And do you know why student nurse Joey?? Because that would be a sign of bleeding...I think that was actually on my NCLEX exam!