Tuesday, July 27, 2010

no hay problemas

I´m slowly making my way into the real jungle. Tarapoto didn´t do it for me...My skin was simply was not sticky enough and there were not enough bananas and things on sticks to eat. :) Now I´m in Yurimaguas which was a moderately pleasant (despite feeling a little nauseas from the curves) 3 hour collectivo ride from Tarapoto through lush mountainous jungle.
I met up with my friend, Segundo, who took the boat from Iquitos just to accompany me back to Iquitos. We speak spanglish and he calls me his princess and says he is my guardia espina (body guard). He always makes me laugh because he asks me questions like,¨what does the song by Jay Z mean: 99 problems but a bitch ain´t one¨? hahahaha. It´ll be a fun-filled 3 days, in which we will be cruising down the river and sleeping in hammocs and hopefully eating as many jungle fruits as possible. I immediately drank a maracuya cremolada (passion fruit iced smoothie drink) upon arriving, and have since had another one of camu camu (a jungle ¨super¨ fruit).

And now I am sitting at a huge internet cafe collectively sweating with about 30 other people and listening to festive jungle cumbia music. Heading out tomorrow morning on a boat called Edwardo VIII, which seems much more regal than it is.

hasta iquitos! R

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